Latest update - July 1st2003- added the following:

About Guild Official Warning
Every official warning are archived in officers boards, with details (who got the warning, date, why, etc). If you prove that the warning happened because of a unusual situation, then that first warning can be removed from your name. In other words, after you have a first official waning, if you dont get a second one during the next 6 months, that first warning will be removed from your name. Because everyone can make mistakes during specific situations.

About Re-Application :
If, after leaving the guild on honorable terms to move on to other challenges, a former member should wish to return to Illumanati, normal recruitment rules apply with the exception that the officers can cut the trial month short should they all agree on this. However, an ex-member will be allowed to return in guild only if the council agrees totaly on his/her re-application.
(That means that the ex members is not under the "ok to return once" rule, that means he can be refused on first time he asks to come back, or accepted, depending on the way and reasons he left Illumanati).

Latest update - May 6th 2003- added the following:

Illumanati is no longer on CoV faction. As NToV and Sleeper's Tomb (Kerafym's Lair) are now among our first top priorities, we no longer ask members to work on CoV faction.
Consequenses: No more ally to dragons. No more HoT armor quest & benevolence quest (without a serious facion work in Kael), and will require more organization for gathering in place like NToV, WToV, etc.
We will stay ally with Coldain however for a while longer. We still have rings and shawls to get people, and the thurg gate potion is still a very useful tool.

Latest update - Nov 30th 2002 - added the following:

"If you cannot play and we do not hear from you in a period of one month, your membership status will be changed to "inactive". Once you return from an "inacive" status, you will be required to attend 3 raids or guild functions on which you cannot earn any loot before your status is returned to "active". You will however earn points on these raids. If your "inactive" status has lasted longer than 2 months, you will be asked to reapply to the guild upon your return. Please remember that we do recognize the fact that people have exams, hectic RL periods, extended vacations, army duty etc, and that if the guild is informed of your absense before you go away, this will be avoided."

Latest update - Nov 14th 2002 - added the following:

"Illumanati is currently on Coldain/CoV faction. Although we do not expect every new member to be allied with these factions, we do expect everyone to activly work towards achieving good faction standings with Coldain and Claws of Veeshan. Unless and until the guild as a whole decides to do so, any intentional action that will hurt your faction standing with Coldain and/or CoV is strongly disadviced and will result in an official warning."


Illumanati Charter:
We, as members of Illumanati, are dedicated to the spread of honor and our good name throughout the land of Norrath. We are committed foremost to the well-being and support of our guild family. We will give of ourselves when needed, for the repayment lies in the strengthening of the Illumanati as a whole.

Illumanati Guild Laws:
Illumanati is always striving to better itself in the eyes of the people of Norrath and its own guild members. Laws are to be obeyed by all guild members, including both ranked and standard play members. Below are laws and processes to be followed by Illumanati:


All members of Illumanati, regular and officer, shall agree to adhere to these Laws. Failure to agree and abide by these laws will result in removal from the guild. The Illumanati takes a hard stance against breaking guild rules. We believe that our members should be able to govern themselves, and therefore do not need to be warned time and time again concerning their actions.
Warnings will be issued once and each member has the right to the full warning process:
· Members not following these Laws after agreeing to them will be warned 1 time privately (via tells). The officer who has issued this warning will make a post in the officers’ forum on the day of the warning, notifying the other officers of the incident.
· If the member continues to abuse the Laws, they will be removed from the guild indefinitely.
· Warnings shall be as follows (Officers, please keep a copy of this near your computer so you are able to follow this standard), they are standardized in order for people to understand why they are being warned:
o Warning 1 “/tell offendingmember WARNING - I am warning you to let you know that you are breaking the rule of [insert broken law here] by doing [insert offending behaviors here]. Please stop this immediately. This has been your first and only warning.”
o Warning 2 “/tell offendingmember WARNING Please target yourself and /guildremove otherwise an officer will come to you and remove you from the guild. You may reapply to the guild via the website when you fully understand the Laws of this guild and respect them. I’m sorry it had to come to this.
A member (or former member) can be allowed back into the guild after being removed if they have proven themselves rehabilitated. If they break a law after being re-invited into the guild, they will be banished permanently.
o Every official warning are archived in officers boards, with details (who got the warning, date, why, etc). If you prove that the warning happened because of a unusual situation, then that first warning can be removed from your name. In other words, after you have a first official waning, if you dont get a second one during the next 6 months, that first warning will be removed from your name. Because everyone can make mistakes during specific situations.

Guild Speak is a great tool that we can use to communicate with each other across the lands of Norrath. It is great for when we have in guild raids also. But, it is also a tool that can be easily abused. The following things will NOT be allowed:

- Begging is not allowed at all for items, money, power leveling, assistance or any other items/spells via any communications method (/ooc /shout /auction /tell /guild ...). You are allowed to ask if anyone would like to assist you in something (or for maybe a Resurrection or Clarity or ...) via /guild or via /tell, but asking numerous times or continuing to ask after someone has told you no, will classify the request as begging.

- Vulgarities or spamming. We all feel your pain when you die and you can notify us in guild speak that it has happened, but things such as "F#@K" or "F#R@Y$THU$#" or "DAMNIT!,” especially repeatedly, is very unnecessary and will be considered spamming.

- Arguments. Although we are friends and family, arguments will still occur. Please take these arguments to personal /tell's or take the argument to an officer online at the time. The Illumanati guild as a whole does not need to know the personal problems between two of its members because most likely, it doesn't effect the guild as a whole.

- Spamming. Any phrase or 'idea' posted to guild speak, numerous times over a generally short period of time is considered spamming.

- Raid rules. Habbitually breaking raid rules will result in the offender being TLed out of the raid and will also result in warning/guildremoval of the offending member.

Participation on the Guild Forum on the internet is essential to the survival of the guild. Most of our raids and events are planned here. The day to day issues with the guild are posted here. Members need to be very active on these boards. We all have a real life outside of EQ, and accessing these boards is something that most of us can do while we are in that life. We ask all our members to read the board at least one time each day.

Illumanati is currently on Coldain/CoV faction. Although we do not expect every new member to be allied with these factions, we do expect everyone to activly work towards achieving good faction standings with Coldain and Claws of Veeshan. Unless and until the guild as a whole decides to do so, any intentional action that will hurt your faction standing with Coldain and/or CoV is strongly disadviced and will result in an official warning.

Assessment of Prospective Members on the forums is essential to the growth of the guild. Members are to actively read the applications to the guild, search these people out, and group with them if possible. Whether a simple conversation or a grouping situation, members are required to come back to the forums and post their experiences with this applicant under that person’s name in the appropriate division of Members’ section of the forum. If a member continually neglects to post his or her experiences with a new recruit, that member’s commitment to the guild and its policies will need to be assessed.

Membership Level Requirements will be as follows: Applicants to the guild must meet the minimum level requirement for his/her class as stated in the Joining Illumanati-section. Once a full member, applicants will be allowed a maximum of two alternate characters in the guild, but these alternates must be of at least level 20. When an alt reaches lvl 56, he/she will be considered a main character. To be allowed in on raids the 'new mains' will have to meet the standing requirements to join the raid. You can only bring 1 main to a raid, and never an alt, unless Raid Leader approves this. We require 100% attention on 1 main character, and if a player cannot handle that, the player will be asked to get a TL out for his secondary main. When a raid is starting, the raidleader may ask the player to bring a specific character. Since ILS award the player behind the characters, the player may loot for any of his mains acording to normal ILS rules, unless the zone raided makes looting for another main impossible.

Problems occurring between guild members or complaints being brought to the officers' attention MUST be back up with hard proof, i.e. screen shots or log files. It is very difficult for the officers and leaders to take action solely based on one person's story, no matter how honorable that person may be. Please, ALWAYS screenshot any incidents that you feel may need to be referenced in the future.

Kill Stealing is a bannable offense from Verant Interactive. We do not support Kill Stealing of any kind. If you kill steal from someone, in our guild or not, and you are found to have done it purposefully, you will be reprimanded, and possibly guildremoved.

Ebaying or Account/Item purchasing with RL money is discouraged. These accounts are your own personal property. You cannot be told how to use your own account. Illumanati looks down upon Ebay. We are a firm believers that if you want an Item bad enough and you complete the steps to earn the item (by either earning enough pp to buy it or completing quest/killing MOB), the end reward has much more value to you personally. If the item is out of your reach, well that is what your guild is for. Guild assistance brings us closer together as a family. But paying Real Life money for something that essentially comes down to lots of 1's and 0's we believe is unnecessary.

If you cannot play and we do not hear from you in a period of one month, your membership status will be changed to "inactive". Once you return from an "inacive" status, you will be required to attend 3 raids or guild functions on which you cannot earn any loot before your status is returned to "active". You will however earn points on these raids. If your "inactive" status has lasted longer than 2 months, you will be asked to reapply to the guild upon your return. Please remember that we do recognize the fact that people have exams, hectic RL periods, extended vacations, army duty etc, and that if the guild is informed of your absense before you go away, this will be avoided.

It is always a sad day when a member chooses to leave the ranks of our guild. If a current member is considering applying for another guild, it is a matter of respect to notify the Illumanati about this decision. It is totally understandable that our members may feel the need to move on, and there are no hard feelings in this decision, but as a matter of loyalty to our guild, please let us know of your plans. Applying for another guild while still carrying the <Illumanati> guild tag WITHOUT notifying your fellow members on the forums is frowned upon. If you choose to apply for another guild without letting the Illumanati know, please /guildremove yourself first. Also, when a member disbands their main, please also disband all alternate characters in the guild.

If, after leaving the guild on honorable terms to move on to other challenges, a former member should wish to return to Illumanati, normal reqruitment rules apply with the exception that the officers can cut the trial month short should they all agree on this. However, an ex-member will be allowed to return in guild only if the council agrees totaly on his/her re-application.
(That means that the ex members is not under the "ok to return once" rule, that means he can be refused on first time he asks to come back, or accepted, depending on the way and reasons he left Illumanati).